Monday 9 November 2009

another year goes by

Once again I had a great time at Ripley yesterday and this time I did make a profit but it wasn't huge. It's a shame because the location is beautiful but just too quiet but you never know till you try! I think in the summer months when there are other events on locally it will be an excellent venue but in the cool autumn months the majority of people I saw were ramblers.

I was in reflective mood yesterday on the way home and I was thinking about how the last year had been. I was so nervous about my first Craft Market at Holmfirth back in February yet by Christmas I will have done 31 market stalls and a few jewellery parties and local events too. I was made redundant around the same time and things were scary for a while. Luckily that turned out okay in the end. I have around 10 markets between now and Christmas and they will really set the tone for next year. I never really make proper new years resolutions but I have a good few for next year.

I honestly believed at the time that 2009 could be my year and in many respects it has been but I was naive to think that I would leave work so quickly. I have learned a lot this year and been forced to accept that this is going to be a lot harder than I had expected. One thing this has shown me is that I can do it. I've never worked this hard for something I've wanted and I don't have to push myself I just do it. The rewards are worth the effort.

Recently, thanks to someone else, I have realised that I would love have my own events management company, organising fairs and such. This would ideally be in partnership with someone else and would really help me leave work. I have a mailing list of a lot of artists who have expressed an interest in attending such an event and I think that I have found my first venue. I'm keeping quiet for now but hopefully I'll be able to get it booked and begin the prep very soon.

You see, I'm pretty confident about this because as a regular stall holder I know what I want from a fair. I've been to successful and unsuccessful markets and I've learned a lot from both.
Here's a little progress report.

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